Saturday, May 21, 2011

Birdie Binkie

When I saw this online I thought it was cute but really couldn't imagine that Fig would want to sleep in it, but he does.  We've even taken out his birdie buddy.  He likes to climb in through the back and stick his head out of the front, but it's almost impossible to get a picture of him doing it because as soon as he sees us coming, he opens his eyes and starts climbing for the door.  He thinks that we are much more interesting than anything going on in his cage.
I've only seen these from A Bird Toy, which is an eBay seller who handmakes them.  We got some of their other handmade toys as well and have been very happy with them.


I've been reading a lot about people sprouting their own seeds instead of buying sprouts, so we invested in an Easy Sprouter from The Sprout People (  The ten minute video on the site actually makes sprouting look harder than it is.  Our first batch of sprouts was a success, although in the future I will make less than the instructions say.  I think I could have fed a colony of parrotlets with this crop of sprouts.

Fig seems to like them.

New Baby Parrotlets

News from Palmetto Parrotlets:
Fig's parents hatched 6 new babies last month.

Anyone who is interested should contact Kit at or go to their website at

Monday, May 9, 2011

Fig and the Evil Toy

I found a photo of a toy like this online and decided to make one.  Fig's reaction to it has been fierce.  He has committed a tremendous amount of energy to its destruction.  He has actually been able to chew off pieces of straw.  It is definitely the most interesting toy in his cage at the moment.

New Video of Fig